Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2009

Wie manche von euch vielleicht wissen, musste ich ja aufgrund der aberwitzigen Bemerkung “Each stay not to exceed 180 days ...” auf meinem Indien - Visum nochmal ausreisen. Somit ging's nach Nepal, ufff, dem 3500 km entfernten Nepal. Wer mich kennt, kann sich schon denken, dass die dabei angestandene Reise nicht ganz normal vonstatten ging. Was genau passiert, hehe, ich sag nur, geniesst den Artikel und freut euch daran, dass ich auch mal wieder was auf meinen Blog geschrieben habe, hehehehe. Sry, bin halt kein grosser Schreiber =).

PS: Bitte aergert euch nicht daran, dass der Bericht auf Englisch geschrieben ist. Ich habe den naemlich verfasst, dass er letztlich in unserem projekteigenen Magazin veroeffentlicht werden sollte. Klar, dass der dann bei unserem internationalen Institut auf Englisch sein muss. Solltet ihr dennoch Probleme haben, schreibt mich oder ruft mich an, ich werde dann die wichtigesten Punkte erlaeutern. Have fun!!!

PPS: Legt vielleicht eine indische Karte parat um nachvollziehen zu koennen, wo ich ueberall war. Hehe, ich liebe das Zickzack =

“Each stay not to exceed 180 days ...”
Getting out of the crazy madness


Drop, Drop, Drop .... You small drop, you small brown rusty drop, why can't you fly to the sky, why can't you find your destination in a cloud? Do you not want to fall asleep in the fluffy and snowy cushion and wrap yourself in the blue linen called vault of the world? Don't you want to flow in all directions in the kingdom of safety, purity and infinity? Why do you have to obey the gravity exactly in this moment? Why exactly here, above me, why did you choose my head to fall on? What are you thinking who you are? Do you really think you can do to me whatever you want? My hair is too nice, beautiful and curly, that you are not allowed to spoil it with your brown skin. Come on, stop trying to infatuate me with your rhythmic cadenza, I am really not impressed. I am dirty enough, STOP IT!!!


Please Q up! Sure, the token machine is broken again, that is India how I got to know it. Why do you have to plan and to make it complicated when you are also able to improvise. India is great!

Okay, where is my map, my map of India doodled on a small piece of paper looking more like a piece of pizza than an enormous country with a population of over one billion people.

The smell of cold sweat of those who fear not getting a reservation for the right train in the small reservation room of the railway station mix with the odour of the crowded streets of Trivandrum.

Enquiry: queuing up, standing, waiting, sweating, becoming nervous: Will I get the tickets, if not, what is plan B? How can I explain my idea to the clerk behind the heavy glass wall??? Only one Indian left till I am the head of the queue.

“Hello! Excuse me, I want to go to Nepal, but I don't want to travel normally. I don't want to sit in the stuffy train for 52 hours, get annoyed by the monotonous cracking of the fans and get bored of the many questions, where I come from and what's my name. I want to explore India. Throughout the night I want to sleep in the train and digest the experiences of the day, during the daytime I want to explore. Get off the train and absorb the new impressions with all my senses......!”

Simon, bad idea, you shouldn't speak like this to the railway clerk. No, look at her bored face, bugged by all the requests of millions of people. She seems tired and I think she won't be as amazed as me. Finally my turn: ”Hello I need tickets. At first I want to go to Chennai, then Hyderabad, on to Mumbai, after a short stay in Ahmedabad to Jaipur, then Lucknow. Available?”


Have you ever realized the beauty of white bread? So simple and plain; it seems to promise due to the purity of the dough a kind of revelation, but actually it is as normal as all kinds of bread. Even worse, have you ever looked at the ingredients of toast, nothing is more unhealthy.

But who cares, at the moment holding four train tickets in my hand, I am proud that my skin has the same colour as white bread. Just passing the waiting list, already extended to 200, with a broad grin, waving my entrance ticket to my salvation: my passport. What a blessing that I am still a tourist here in this land of colours, although I have already been here for 9 months now. The balance of righteousness in the universe. A curse becomes a blessing, as actually everything started with an absurd, bureaucratic comment written in my passport....


Although I have a one year visa, the following is written there:

Each stay not to exceed 180 days, hence registration not required. My 180 days are almost over, but I still have to leave the country, what a nonsense.

Sri Lanka, no way, still too insecure. Going there would have tortured, ripped out, torn and chained my mother's heart in the eagle cage of Prometheus. No, really, this I couldn't do. So, I have to go to Nepal. Nepal, the land in the north near the mountains; Nepal, the summit of the world; Nepal, the land of beautiful women and alcohol; Nepal, approximately 3000 km away from Trivandrum, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! But I am young, so what!!! So what??? Am I crazy???...


The first step is done. Those four tickets are the base for my trip to Nepal: Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai and Ahmedabad, I am coming!!!


I am so famous =)

A small step from the littered platform of the Trivandrum railway station onto the rusty step of the train, through the heavy metal door, into a world I will call home for the next days. This is the train to Chennai, just 15 minutes left till there is no way back. Perhaps this is maybe a bit too dramatic, but only 14 minutes stood between me and my big trip. 13 minutes and the train starts the engine and the lazy wheels are whipped by the honk of the heavy train. 12 minutes and Trivandrum gets lost in the slipstream of the train. 11 minutes left to bear the staring of the Indians next to the window. The countdown begins: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, honkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

It's hot, the warm breeze hits my face, I start sweating, my favourite occupation for the next 10 days, ha, aweful!

No, the train stops again, I melt away. The pores spit the hot salt water out like a drowning non-swimmer. The train gets fuller and fuller, people swarm inside, the air gets sticky. Words reach my ears, not understandable, Malayalam, pause for effect, like in a bad Bollywood movie the room is filled by familiar tones: “Excuse me, you are sitting on my seat!”


Sunset in Kerala

“My name? My name is Jenni!” I look in the blue eyes of a moon- round face. Her lips are moving up and down. I am listening. The fluency switches to German, English and back. Her clothes prove that she is a typical tourist - gay like a frog. Full of typical experiences. Surely I won't forget her that soon, especially her attachment.

She was from Sweden, could speak English and German and created a very comfortable atmosphere. We had interesting conversations, had a lot of fun and enjoyed the whole trip, so that I knew, as the last sun ray kissed my cheeks, that this journey would be one of my greatest experiences I would ever have.


Dear distinguished reader,

as my brain prone to be like a sieve and in order to hold the tension on an artificially high level, I am forced to reduce my whole report to one story per city. Thanks for your understanding. Enjoy the trip.


the Author



How can I get rid of her? Why is she so persistent? Every sign, every chance seems to vanish under her attachment. “What are you doing next?”, “ No problem, I can accompany you!”. Wrong answer, this I didn't want to hear. Sure, she is really nice, but actually this was not my idea of walking through Chennai. Maybe I just run away, can I really do that? Actually YES, mhh, not really. What did she say, after breakfast our paths will part. Now, it is already 12:00 o'clock and she is still nearby. Maybe I should pretend that I am crazy and see UFOs in the sky.


Squeezing through the masses of human beings, with a new watch glittering on my wrist, slowly I had enough of conversations about the unhealthy food like rice and bread. I think, if I had met her somewhere else, it would have been fun. But not on my survival trip....


As green as a frog =)

Familiar feelings are pulsing in my veins, they are sneaking through my body, heating my body and pressing out the cold sweat running down my back. My eyes are paralysed, my body moves forward rhythmically, forced by my brain not to stop. Shame, fear, sadness are overwhelming me.The appearance of one single man is drilling into my heart, like a razor blade at the throat of a cow.


What I could see here on the streets in Chennai was one of the most horrible experiences I've ever had in India. Crippled, distorted, humiliated he is lying on the hard pavement begging for money. Not able to move anymore, to escape, to live. Broken legs, broken arms, broken dignity. He was put on the street like an old shoe forced to drink the sweat pouring from his body. No grace, no peace, no righteousness, even the sun rays seem to have no mercy but obey the plan – torturing him. Pain for pity, cruelty for money, being alive to die.

The wave got me =)

Thrown on the street like an old carcass, you can't bear, you can't stand, you have to flee. Coins are clinging in the small mug in front of him.

Pity for pure conscience, money for salvation, accepting death to being alive.

No words =)

How ridiculous to call my journey a survival trip! How CAN I speak about a survival when I look at this guy. Why is the world so insane?

After Chennai in the train


Smoking Barista

Like a soft kiss of a mother the first sun rays are carefully tickling me awake. The veil of sleep slowly loosens from my limbs. The next day, the next city, the next challenge. Like a bad nightmare yesterday's experiences hide in my brain.

Same, same but different

My breath streams through my nostrils, soaking in the fresh air. Hyderabad, a special city. I am walking through the alleys looking for my new destination. A shower. No shower in two days now, that is really enough. Desperately on the search for a cheap guest house till a big building rises in front of me.

Show me your knife =)

Here it is, I found it. But the first attempt to speak English seems to clash against the language barrier. Unable to explain what I want I am running around like an insane chick seeking for a translator. In vain!

How to make fire

I already wanted to give up, but suddenly the receptionist pressed his mobile phone in my palm: the manager. The soft voice snuggled up to my ear: “How can I help you? ...”

Do you need a penknife?

The short explanation of my situation was understood immediately, but the answer I did not expect. Come on, a shower, a one hour stay, nothing more. How much may this cost? 50 Rs maximum? Simon, to be honest, you are so wrong!!!

The kingdom of Bollywood

“...Whom do I talk to?” “Hi, my name is Simon, I just wanted to know if it is possible that I just take a shower in your hotel and leave again. If yes, how much does it cost?”

Enlighted Buddha

“Mhhh, let me think, actually we don't offer this kind of service, but for you we could do an exception. Just 600 Rs and everything is okay .............” “Sorry????........”



Excuse me, is this woman mad? 600 bucks for a shower. Sorry, but then I prefer to stink, thanks! This was a good first step in Hyderabad, I am really looking forward what is going to happen next in this crazy town.......

... in India (Hyderabad: 40 Grad Celcius)


Be aware of the army!!!

Shortcut =)

Recovered and still a bit amused from this insane city called Hyderabad, where the people lead you to a big supermarket called Big Bazaar if you just ask for a normal small bazaar, I am now sitting at the lunch table and scoop food in my mouth. Finally Mumbai, I am so happy to be here, sitting next to relatives. Actually I have never met them before and the relationship is also a bit, how to say, vague. I got to know this family after their daughter married the brother of my sister's husband. Yes, you see how far the ties of my family stretch.

Can you see the STICKERS?

Typical Englisch =)

But above all confusion I really felt the warmth, heartiness and joy only a family can give. It was amazing and the best place to recover. I really enjoyed the stay and was impressed by so much hospitality increasing my love for India even more. Besides, a city is even more interesting if you know someone who can lead you around and who takes care of you in all matters.

Don't fall!!!

The daughter guided me through this big town of chaos which was a real relief and it was so cute and admirable how she cared for me. “Simon, beware of your head!” “Don't touch this, this is too dirty!” “Come, fast, cross the street, fast, fast, fast!” I really felt in good hands and just enjoyed. What an experience.

Task: Zooooooooooooom!!!


Working for equality - Organisation for the Handicapped

“Sebastian, altes Haus, schoen dich zu sehen!” Ahmedabad was probably the most boring, polluted, dusty city I visited on my whole trip. But still, a nice stay. Why??? If you could understand German you would understand me. Because meeting friends is always an extraordinary experience. Yes, after Mumbai, the city of endless possibilities, where you are even able to drink German beer (I still can't believe it), even a city as grey as Ahmedabad can be as beautiful and delicious as a strawberry hidden in the creamy colourful mountain of ice cream.

What messages, wow

Sebastian and Kan, two friends of mine, welcomed me with open arms. After an experience with brain massala (herewith I have to clarify, really, I just read it on the menu; I never ordered it, really, believe me), I got an insight in the great organisation both of them work for. Understanding what this institute does, forced my jaw to drop to the ground. Several thousand handicapped people come here every day in order to earn money. But working on wheel chairs, canes and prosthesis seem not to suppress the opportunity also to run a school or a sound studio. An amazing project, therefore all the other sights in the city quickly vanished to the background and became a simple ticking on the to do list. Ahmedabad, really, a place to be, ha!

Eiffeltower ... in India?



Before I start with this beautiful city, I have an urgent question to all Indians: Do you think that some of the citizens in Jaipur are a bit odd? Indeed, I have to admit that most of them are quite helpful and courteous, but some are really weird. This is not normal that suddenly people start talking to you without any reason, just to talk, is it? “Why are you tourists so unfriendly and strange?” or “You have no time, no problem, let's talk 5 to 10 minutes!”, aehm, yes, right, this can't be normal. Why are they like this? Please explain it to me, my mail – ID is, thanks.

Indian's animals

Now I feel relieved, so let's come to the substance of Jaipur, what can be outlined with one statement: Jaipur is beautiful, amazing and really too hot. Don't go there if you have just one day. Can you imagine that I drank at least 5 litres of water, but needed to pee only once. That can't be healthy that you sweat so much, that there is enough salt crystallised on your shirt, so that you can imagine how a salt desert has to feel like. Even the blessings and kisses of the elephants couldn't deny the fact that I was really exhausted. “I MISS MY BED!!!”

India - The land of colours

Kanpur – Lucknow – Rupaidiha

3 days no shower!!! =)

The border was within reach, my senses were already surrounded by the world of a new culture. Ups, correction, maybe except for smelling, the only thing I could smell at the moment was myself. After 3 days without any shower it seemed that I had reached the maximum level of discomfort. It could not be worse. But actually this thought should be disproved by a simple “Wrong”!!!

Fun for kids in Rupaidiha - Prem Sewa Children's Home

Drop, drop, drop! Even though my appearance already seemed to terrify and shut up the begger children and the apparently branded salt stains started to liquidate in the sweat, which seemed to come from sources, one thought, they were parched long ago there, the summit was still not reached.

Drop, drop, drop! I am sitting here in the bus to the Nepalese border, I already managed a lot, overcame some challenges like finding a bus from Jaipur to Lucknow, but still something with a diameter of only 3mm wracks my last nerves.

Drop, drop, drop! Actually you should know that I really love water, it makes you clean and fresh and renews your energy, as long as it is not brown. Everything is already dirty, why does it have to be so cruel to me? Hair like a mob, thanks, I really appreciate this, you are really so kind. Stop it, drop on someone else, look at this guy behind me, the shape of his head is more attractive, isn't it?

Wait Simon, calm down! Don't exaggerate! Come on, only, mhhhhhhh, what 59 km left, only 59 km, 59 km !!!!!! I can't believe that, ahhhhhhhhhhhh!


Due to some technical problems we have to apologize that the current programme has to be interrupted. We try to solve this complication as soon as possible, we please you for your forgiveness. Thank you.


the Author


Drop, drop, drop! the water is falling on my head, not rusty, dirty, depressive, but clear, transparent, full of calmness. It's done and the memory about the exhausted bus of inhumanity slipped from the world of the reality to the slide box called brain in order to get dusty there.

Shower, how I missed you, I can't express myself how happy I am to see your rose pouring out your water on the agglutinated horny braiding once called hair....

Finally I reached Rupaidiha. Rupaidiha, the town at the border to Nepal, so close demanding to be grabbed. Sitting on the bench eating dinner with five children, one German teacher and the parents, to enjoy the dinner in fresh, renewed and recovered condition....

These are really 5 nails =) - trust me!!!

Relief overwhelms me when I fall in my soft, comfortable bed. Despite some itching attacks I am able to remove my closest friend named insomnia the first time after days. Time to say good bye and say hello to Nepal!!!

Nepalgunj – Kathmandu

Don't fall, don't fall!!! =)

I run trough the alleys of Kathmandu. My only objective: to have fun. Shopping, admiring, rushing are the attitudes for the last day of my journey and I love it. Running around, looking for presents, sights, and souvenirs, meeting a cycle rickshaw driver three times throughout the day (he almost became a good friend of mine), being amazed by the beauty of the Nepali women, and diving into the special atmosphere of Kathmandu. What an experience! Although the pleasure on both sides remains only for some hours, despite of a nasty start with the bus from Nepalganj to Kathmandu, which stopped every 50m and in spite of wet, brown and slippy depletion the experience of Kathmandu was a successful ending, although it was not over yet.

Are you sure??? =)

Stupa in Kathmandu


On the way back to my home state Kerala. I am sitting in the plane, next to the window as big as a goggle eye and admire the uniqueness of the clouds, playing with the sun rays like children wearing white clothes and colourful strips. Jumping around, wrapping themselves in the lightness of the light ensconcing of their fluffy succulent body. Becoming one, hovering around, getting lost. Who cares that the sandwiches cost 200 Rs, who cares that we were late, who cares having seen this loveliness God created.

Still paralysed by the picture, overwhelmed by my imagination, I leave the plane, prepared for my last adventure. From Ernakulam to Trivandrum – by train. But why to make it easy when it could be complicated, hehe, let's go to Allwaye, that will be fun!!! Don't ask, why??? Just imagine!!! I am a freak and that's a fact, after this story I think you know what I mean. I hope you enjoyed this trip. But one advice at the end: Don't replicate that trip, parents are liable for their children. Really, although it was amazing, it was too much. I wouldn't do it again, but wait, all in all actually why?? Haha!

All the best, yours sincerely,

The Author

called Simon alias Boebbele of India

Ich hoff, euch hat mein Ausflug genauso gut wie mir selber gefallen. Bis denne, man hoert sich. LG nach Hause. Euer Simon